Ravitsemusohjaus urheilijoille ja kuntoilijoille
Ravitsemusohjaus urheilijoille ja kuntoilijoille

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Nutrition counselling for athletes and active sportsmen

In addition to exercise, rest and recovery, an athlete and an active sportsman have to pay attention to various nutrition guides. An adequate eating is a foundation for development and progression. Nutrition has a huge influence on health, development, performance and recovery. Quality nutrition enhances recovery and decreases the risks of injuries and diseases.

I am a specialist in the Finnish national nutrition network and I have experience of working with athletes from different sports, for instance, ballplayers, dancers, gymnasts, aerobics and swimmers. I also have experience working with eating disorders, which are common among aesthetic sports.

Let’s carry out together a nutrition plan for you to support your exercises, development, recovery and immunity.

The individual nutrition consultation can take place face-to-face or online via Skype no matter where you are.

You can select:

One time consultation which includes:

  • mapping out the individual lifestyle and the level of physical activity
  • building on your goals
  • diet evaluation
  • concrete diet advice, considering the athletes or active sportsmen needs
  • concrete tips to compose a grocery list, meals and snacks
  • meeting once (60 min) in person face-to-face or via Skype
70 €

One time consultation and chat in WhatsApp, Telegram or email after the meeting which includes:

  • mapping out the individual lifestyle and the level of physical activity
  • building on your goals
  • diet evaluation
  • concrete diet advice, considering the personal needs
  • concrete tips to compose a grocery list, meals and snacks
  • meeting once (60 min) in person face-to-face or via Skype and 2 weeks chat consultation after meeting to support personal progress

Chat-consultation in WhatsApp, Telegram or email which includes:

  • building on your goals and support via chat during 2 weeks
  • diet evaluation
  • concrete diet advice, considering the personal needs
  • concrete tips to compose a grocery list, meals and snacks
  • answers to personal questions
50 €


Three time package which includes:

  • mapping out the individual lifestyle and the level of physical activity
  • building on your goals
  • diet evaluation
  • concrete diet advice
  • experiments together
  • follow-up for realization of the individual diet
  • planning and realizing changes when needed
  • concrete diet advice, considering the personal needs
  • concrete tips to compose a grocery list, meals and snacks
  • meeting three times in person (60 min x 3) face to face or via Skype and chat consultation between the meetings to support personal progress
150 €

Longer co-operation, regular meetings and chat-conversations are planned together based on your needs. Contact me and let us plan the counselling supporting your needs.

'I can' wellbeing services. Pricing.

Nutrition and lifestyle counselling for individuals



Nutrition, counceling for atheletes and active sportsmen



Sexuality, counselling for individuals and couples



Nutrition and wellbeing packages for seniors and elderly
