Ravitsemus- ja hyvinvointipaketit aikuisille, senioreille ja ikäihmisille
Ravitsemus- ja hyvinvointipaketit aikuisille, senioreille ja ikäihmisille

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Nutrition and wellbeing packages for adults, seniors and elderly

We all are becoming older. We learn a lot during our lifetimes and when we get older we have a unique opportunity to reflect and utilize all the experience we have gained during our lives. Also, our body gets older and it is normal that during this process the body changes and our muscles and posture changes. Nevertheless, through our lifestyle choices we can affect to our body and mind. By means of healthy diet and physical activity we can for example maintain a good muscular condition, memory and mobility far into old age.

You can select:

Early pensioners package

If you are for instance about to retire soon or have just retired, invest in your health, exercises and nutrition with the early pensioners package. I will support you along your personal wellbeing journey.

Early pensioners package contains:

  • finding the right inspiration and building on your goals
  • diet evaluation
  • concrete diet advice to support muscle condition and daily activity, experiments together and a follow-up
  • concrete advices for planning the grocery list and composing meals and snacks
  • mapping out individual ways for exercises and suitable activities to participate (also mapping out the possibilities for activities in local clubs or associations)
  • Planning a personal exercise program to increase and maintain strength and flexibility
200 €

The support living at home package

Do you or your family member have problems with movement or eating? Do you or your family member want to live at home, but have problems in daily functions and feel like needing help with daily tasks? Nutrition, physical activity and participation have an impact on having enough strength to manage the daily routines and tasks. Hobbies, friendships and active lifestyle also makes living more meaningful, joyful and complete.

Sufficient energy and strength is needed to get out of bed, walking and doing the housework like cooking and cleaning. Daily strength can be supported, increased and maintained by simple practices. The support living at home package brings resources, wellbeing and reasoning to daily living.

Early pensioners package contains:

  • finding the right inspiration and building on your goals
  • diet evaluation
  • concrete diet advice to support muscle condition and daily condition, experiments and a follow-up
  • concrete diet advice to support muscle condition and daily activity, experiments together and a follow-up
  • concrete advices for planning the grocery list and composing meals and snacks
  • mapping out individual ways to exercise and possibilities for home exercises and participation for suitable activities (also mapping out the possibilities for activities in local clubs or associations), experiments and the follow-up
  • planning a personal exercise program to maintain the strength and stability to prevent falling
  • mapping out the services to support daily living, for instance help for cleaning, meal transport at home and volunteer help depending on the individual’s needs

The shorter or longer co-operation is possible and planned based on your personal needs. Contact me and let us plan the co-operation together.

'I can' wellbeing services. Pricing.

Nutrition and lifestyle counselling for individuals



Nutrition, counceling for atheletes and active sportsmen



Sexuality, counselling for individuals and couples



Nutrition and wellbeing packages for seniors and elderly
